The resources linked from this page, as sub-pages, currently comprise;
(a) Books, including movies, videos, and
(b) Tools such as certification schemes, frameworks, guidelines, standards.
Other resources could include; providers of online systems relating to energy management and environmental systems, reports, tips, tertiary education providers, trainers/consultants, ‘sustainability’ related organisations, and tools such as those to assist decision-making for capital purchases including vehicles.
Currently the sub-pages are early trials in presenting the information. They comprise sortable, searchable tables. Even with a large PC screen it is necessary to scroll sideways to see all the material for each item. Thus it may be challenge to adequately view on the screens of portable devices.
At this early stage there are challenges in printing the material in all the columns; this will be worked on!
Versions in languages other than English may be available in some instances.
Would the list benefit from the inclusion of thumbnail images, keywords and synopsis? “Yes”, but ….
As may be expected no responsibility will, or can, be taken for any of it being complete, accurate, or fit for your purpose or anyone else’s.
Also, the material may have become dated or superceded – and there’s a much ‘going on’! So, its “be aware”.
May the material seed your thinking, generate great actions and achievements, and invigorate your future and that of others.
It goes without saying – so why say it! – suggestions for corrections and the inclusion of other material are very welcome.
For the tables select from these options;
• Books and Other Media
• Tools